As the back-to-school season approaches, it’s the perfect time to refresh and revitalize your skincare routine. Changing schedules, stress levels, and environmental factors can cause your skin to react in unexpected ways. ID Skin understands the unique needs of estheticians and their clients. Our goal is to provide you with high-quality products and advice to guarantee your clients’ skin stays healthy and glowing during the school year.

Understanding Seasonal Skin Changes

Transitioning from the summer heat to the autumn chill brings immense changes to your skin. The summer sun can leave skin dehydrated and damaged, while cooler fall temperatures can increase dryness. This seasonal shift calls for a reassessment of your skincare routine to address these ever-changing needs.

Essential Skincare Tips for the New School Year

Combatting Stress Breakouts – The stress of starting a new school year can be the cause of breakouts. Introduce your clients to ID Skin’s Goji Berry Kombucha Cleanser or Clear Skin Spot Treatment  to target blemishes and imperfections.

Antioxidant Protection – Daily exposure to pollutants and blue light from computers, tablets, and cellphones can accelerate skin aging. Incorporating an antioxidant serum like ID Skin’s Screen Saver Serum is essential to your skincare routine to protect from environmental damage.

Soothing Masks – For a quick pick-me-up, use a soothing mask 1-2 times each week. Using a mask such as ID Skin’s Moisture Mask is perfect for an instant refresh and boost in hydration.

Facial Tools – Incorporating facial tools into your skincare routine can enhance product absorption and improve skin texture. Using tools such as a gua sha or a Jade Facial Roller are essential to boost lymphatic drainage and reduce puffiness.

Wash Pillowcase – A good rule of thumb is to wash your pillowcases once a week. However, you may want to wash it more often if you are prone to sweating while sleeping, have oily skin or hair, or go to bed with makeup on. Washing your pillowcase often is important as it reduces the buildup of dirt and oils, which can lead to breakouts.

Healthy Lifestyle – Skincare is not just about products you apply on your face; it’s also about lifestyle. Having a diet full of fruits, vegetables, and omega-3 fatty acids as well as drinking plenty of water and getting 7-8 hours of sleep each night are crucial for maintaining healthy skin.

Consistency is Key – Consistency of skincare products is essential for seeing the best results. Regular use and adherence to a daily routine will provide your skin with the best outcomes overtime.

Professional Treatments – In addition to at-home routines, encourage your clients to book professional treatments to jumpstart their back-to-school skincare routine. Offer facials that focus on hydration, exfoliation, and repair.


Back-to-school season is an ideal time to reassess and refresh skincare routines. By providing your clients with targeted advice and high-quality products, you can help them achieve healthy and radiant skin all year round. Trust ID Skin to be your partner in delivering exceptional skincare results that keep your clients coming back for more.